Marjorie Abalos


Creating the CLODS System™ is Marjorie Abalos’ response to how she is tackling a “great undone” by helping underserved communities around the world access digital technologies to improve the delivery of healthcare services. Some of the biggest challenges that healthcare providers face across the globe include analyzing data, setting up technical environments, and implementing electronic health record (“EHR”) systems. The CLODS System™ is designed to address these and other related issues and challenges. Marjorie began the development of the CLODS System™ in 2013 and it is now being implemented at multiple hospitals in a country in West Africa. CLODS is on its way to become the “world’s leading digital healthcare solution in developing countries” and soon intends to contemporaneously scale into other countries on the 1.2 billion-populated African continent where the EHR market is in its infancy. On parallel courses, CLODS is pursuing numerous requests for regional implementations of the CLODS System™ at hospitals in Asia, South America, and the Caribbean. Marjorie and her CLODS System™ are truly making a positive, large-scale impact on the world as they continually generate measurable social impact.
